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Further Contacts

  • Accessibility

    Write us an email to or reach us by phone at 01806- 853 753 (0.20 €/calls from landlines or mobile phones max. 0.60 €/per call) if you have any questions.

  • Brand Partnership

    From global players to up-and-coming trend brands, harness the power of live entertainment and connect with our Brand Partnership Team:

  • Distributors Non-Food

    We are committed to sustainability in all areas and place great importance on having products and brands at our festival who feel the same. We are looking for creative and aesthetically pleasing stands that are in keeping with the ethics of the festival.

    Each year there is a limited number of spaces available. These are not assigned on a ‘’first come first serve’’ basis. We evaluate every application individually and therefore ask that you include as much information as possible, including photos of past appearances and products.

    Would your attitude, ideas, and products fit well with us? Then gladly contact us via email at

    Your application should have photos from your stand and your products available. If you don’t have photos of your stand we will need a sketch or illustration of how your stand at Plage Noire will look. Applications without photos/sketches are incomplete and will not be considered in the selection process.

  • Distributors Food

    We are committed to sustainability in all areas and place great importance on having products and brands at our festival who feel the same. We are looking for high quality and trend-conscious gastronomic offers. Whether classics like local Berlin cuisine, vegan and vegetarian dishes or exotic Spanish specialities, it all should be healthy, balanced, and fair.

    Each year there is a limited number of stands available. These are not assigned on a ‘’first come first serve’’ basis. We evaluate every application individually and therefore ask that you include as much information as possible, including photos of past appearances and products.

    Would your attitude, ideas, and products fit well with us? Then just apply here.

  • NGO

    We aspire to organize a music festival which considers sustainable alternatives and processes in all areas of event management and to implement them in the best possible way – actions must accompany words. We don’t want to lecture or practice eco-dogmatism, but rather live by action and set a good example, use the element of surprise, and inspire thought.

    You share our values and vision and would fit well with us?! Then get in touch and tell us why. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Newcomer Bands

    We are delighted that so many bands want to play at our festivals, but unfortunately, we only have a very limited number of slots available. We receive countless band applications every year, which is why we are only rarely able to invite bands based on their application.

    However, shaping the music landscape together with you is and remains one of our most important goals.

    Feel free to send us your material (please send us URLs only - no mail attachments) to!

    We look forward hearing from you!